Wednesday, March 24, 2021


Here is my screenplay as scheduled on the chart. Now I won’t do any more talking (typing?) than necessary so let’s just jump right in:

Opening Scene Tomatoes

[Tight Shot from High Angle]

A tomato is placed on a cutting board. 

VO Begins The fruit of a plant is the carrier of the seed. The seed: new life. 

A hand goes off-screen returning with a large butcher knife.

-Black Screen- [Fade in] Credits

VO Continues To be eaten for another to survive. That’s how it works. A life for a life. An eye for an eye. An arm for ahead.

A knife is guided to rub the tomato (almost sensually) with the hand steadying it.

-Black Screen- [Fade in] Credits

 VO Continues Fruits are naturally bright.  Enticing. Juicy. It is fate that the fruit is consumed; it’s their purpose. And the job of a predator is to consume the fruit; after all, it is their desire. 

Then the cut of the tomato right down the middle (swift chop). 

Slicing continues choosing a half (slice horizontal). Continue slicing until small pieces. 

Dice remaining bits 

[Wide-Establishing Shot of Backyard] 

[Wide Shot of Marlyn on a hammmock]

[Closeup of Marlyn’s face]Her face is stoic, reflective.

[Over the Shoulder of her writing]

[Extreme Closeup] Marlyn’s eyes look up to the camera.

-Black Screen-[Fade-in] Title of Movie 

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