Tuesday, April 6, 2021


 Here are the CCR Thanks again for being with me on this journey! :)



Portfolio Project Final Product

 Here is the finished project. Thanks for sticking with me throughout this journey. 

Depending on what works for you I have two links that you can use. One will give you access to the direct download and viewing of my video and the other will take you to the video on Youtube. Both are the same are just added to provide easy access.

Link 1


Link 2


Monday, April 5, 2021

Final Reflection

 Looking back at all my old posts it's crazy how much of a journey this was compared to any other projects I’ve done. I’ve learned a lot from my class about developing something worthy of my audience's attention and it's one thing to learn from a screen from a PowerPoint to actually put the lessons into practice.

I’ve made a point to talk about it in the CCR but planning was a big thing for me. When doing past projects I’d make a script and then wing the rest of it but having a plan for every aspect of the film opening would make the execution so much better. I knew exactly what to look for when filming because I planned all of it out. 

Editing was something I am very familiar with but like pre-production, in the past, my post was simply “winging it” but since my edits were so specific in planning it provided a structure that made my opening beautiful.

A flaw that proved itself over and over again was how difficult it was to do everything by myself. As the actor, director, and editor it made the burden of the project much heavier but working with someone has its own hurdles. Even though my project came out as it did the power of a team and the input of others would have been helpful. 

Ultimately I really enjoyed this project and I look forward to others like this one in the future.

Friday, April 2, 2021

CCR Ideas

My teacher made rules for the CCR and made suggestions in order to look appealing. The CCR’s maximum time is seven minutes and she suggested that we don’t do standup. I’d understand why...it’s easy and can be done very quickly; funnily enough that was my first idea when I first heard about this part of the assignment. 

Instead, I’ve figured another way to not only reflect on my progress in the project itself but also answer the four questions assigned which are:

  • How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues?

  • How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text?

  • How did your production skills develop throughout this project?

  • How did you integrate technologies – software, hardware, and online – in this project?

I can casually answer these questions in a fun interview; let me explain. The name of this part is literally called Creative Critical Reflection and what better way to show off my production’s techniques, gadgets, and overall purpose. I plan to act out at least three different characters to give their answers to questions offered by an ‘off-screen interviewer’ when in fact it’ll all be played by me. I want to make this as fun and transparent as possible about the portfolio project that I’ve nearly completed. I won’t spoil it but I’ve got plans to make this a CCR remember.

Until next time!! :)

Social Media and Website

 Here's the Instagram account:   @lonelyashortfilmbyjirehstokes Here's the Website:  stokes25school.wixsite.com/website