If you’ve read the title you can probably guess what this post will be about: my final idea. After wresting with all the different ideas I had, the victor is going to be a psychological thriller featuring a ‘normal girl’ turn into a renowned serial killer.
With the two-minute slot for this ‘film,’ I’m going to pull a Shakespeare and somewhat start with the end. By this, I mean to have something that clues the audience as to where the story ends up; with the main character choosing to be a serial killer. Realistically speaking the only reason why I wouldn’t choose to end the story with the main character being caught is that it would be impossible for me to do this with a budget of $0.
A way I can begin with the end without being too pricey would be by having the now-serial-killer-main character in a voiceover that displays the mentality that will be given to them later on. This would engage the viewers as they try to correlate the visual stimulus to what they are hearing.
Speaking of visuals I want to eventually show the before-the-ending-main character that would be followed throughout the movie but it would probably be safer to put this at the ending. Before that, though I would like to incorporate an eerie and symbolic sequence that will give foreshadowing and thought-inducing reactions from the audience. Maybe slicing fruit or the eating of an apple all the way to its core or the eating of a flower. All of these can symbolize the life that would be snuffed out (like a candle being blown out) throughout the character’s journey.
Before I prepare for actual filming I want to document my strategy for the storyboard and the ‘how and why’ I will make specific creative decisions.
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